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The 2024 Cupcake Celebration
Another Great Year!!!
1,000+ cupcakes sold 
we owe our success to our
business supporters

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Thanks also to…

Clermont Coffee

Rodgers Book Barn

The Two of Us Productions

The Cooper’s Daughter

Peace Mountain Yoga

The Farmer’s Wife

Lorna’s Naturals

The Art School of Columbia County

Buy your tickets now!


                 October 14th

Old Fashioned

Ice Cream Social &

Square Dance


Get ready for our 3rd Annual Ice Cream Social and Square Dance. What's old is new again! Come for the ice cream and chili (and vegetarian stew), stay for the fun as we have a professional square dance caller who will get you on the dance floor to do-si-do and allemande left. Buy your tickets now!

3rd Annual Cupcake Celebration


     43 Volunteers.        716 Cupcakes Sold!       A Great Event for the Community!

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Learn how to bake from prize winner Natalia!



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Another sell out event! 

The 2022 Cupcake Celebration was a sell out!
566 cupcakes sold 
Check out the Video! 

We thank our Premier Sponsors for their support!

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Our biggest thanks go to our sponsors
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The Copake Grange Cupcake Celebration
June 13th 11am-1pm

There were 300 cupcakes from 18 bakers and they were delicious! That's what our judge said. It was hard to decide the award winners. The true "winner" of this event was the Roe Jan community. More that 50 people showed up for the event and the fun could not be contained. After more than a year of worrying about COVID, it was nice to see good cheer spreading throughout the event.

The Cupcake Celebration was a great success. Because of the generosity of our bakers and the strong sales (many of the buyers said keep the change), the Grange now has additional funds for repairing Grange Hall. 


A Challenging Year - A Special Summer 
The Children's Art Program
The Children's Theater Workshop
The Copake Grange Drive-in Movie Shows

Covid-19 prevented the Copake Grange from conducting its usual lineup of events. Plays, open mic nights, dance partie
s, art classes, and our famous community dinners had to be canceled. In spite of the pandemic, with the help of generous donations from foundations and donors, the Grange created innovative programs that followed all the Covid-19 guidelines. A theater program let children learn the ropes of putting on a show with distancing and masks in an outdoor setting. Similarly, art classes for kids were held under tents in the shade. A drive-in movie was set up and the community was invited for free showings. More than 200 individuals participated in these activities that turned a summer of isolation into a memorable time. 

Thanks to the foundations and
individual donors who helped us: 
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
Rheinstrom Hill Community Foundation
Bank of Greene County
Reiner the Dog

Don't Miss the Video!
Take a look at the happy faces of those who participated in

the Copake Grange's summer activities.
Even with masks on you can see they are having a good time!

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